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Beauvais McCaddon

Beauvais McCaddon, a Mississippi native, currently lives in Florida. She was graduated from Millsaps College in 1966 with a B.A. in English. In 1995, she received a Master’s Degree in Creative Writing from Florida State University. Her short stories and essays have been published in Sundog, Quarterly West, The Crescent Review, The Southern Quarterly, Micro Fiction (W.W. Norton) 1996, and New Stories from the South, The Year’s Best, 1997. “Candy Spoon,”appearing in The Virginia Quarterly Review (Volume 74, Number 4) was short-listed for The O. Henry Awards, The Best of 1999.


The Candy Spoon

From the day her husband Coot Green set fire to her honeymoon clothes, Ouida Green had stayed annoyed with him. In the 30 years since, Ouida arranged the details into an amusing story for women who came into her dress shop: she and Coot left their [...]

The Bird Collection

"There was the Door to which I found no Key; There was the Veil through which I might not see," Merritt said to the black-haired boy seated on the porch swing. "Alma, goddamn it, get your sorry carcass in here and bring us some iced tea. Charlie bo [...]

Uncle Jeff Davis

Autumn 2002 | Essays

When the Davis Family Association has its biennial meeting, The Magnolia Inn turns out the oil riggers and makes room for the relations. In front were parked three Cadillacs, a Toyota Camry and a truck that looked as if it had run into a deer and been driven through the swamps with the 10-point buck stuck on its hood.