Autumn 1992

John Bovey’s “The Hand of Fat’ma” Bettina Drew’s “Bradford Market” Joseph Hynes’s “Pinter and Morality” Jeffrey Meyers’s “Splendors and Miseries of Literary Biography” Stories by John Bovey, Bettina Drew, Joseph Hynes, and Jeffrey Meyers Poetry by Debra Kaufman, Martha Rhodes, Jane Kenyon, and Connie Wanek
Autumn 1992

Volume 68, Number 4

Virginia Quarterly Review, Autumn 1992 cover
Print: $10.00

Table of contents


Contributor Profiles

Sanford Pinsker is the author and editor of more than a dozen books, including book-length studies of Philip Roth, Cynthia Ozick, Joseph Heller, and J. D. Salinger.

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