Link Roundup: Love Replacements, Y.A., and Radical Transparency

1. The Love Poem Project is modifying love poems by replacing the word “love” with another word or phrase. For example, Love = MTV:

MTV is always patient;
MTV is always kind;
MTV is never envious
or arrogant with pride.
Nor is it conceited,
and it is never rude;
it never thinks just of it
or ever get annoyed.

See also Love = Boston Red Sox Hall of Fame Catcher Carlton Fisk and Love = Watched Caddyshack With. (Via Kottke)

2. In the New York Times, Margo Rabb writes about having her novel shunted into the young adult ghetto:

For me, the thrill of my book’s having been sold outlasted my confusion over its classification. Then, as the publication date approached, I received a fellowship to the MacDowell Colony in New Hampshire. One morning in the dining room, another writer asked who was publishing my book; I told her that it was Random House, and that it was being published as young adult.

“Oh, God,” she said. “That’s such a shame.”

3. Wired Magazine is doing something nervy: blogging every step of the development of a feature article. Internal e-mails, videotaped meetings, each draft, page proofs, etc, all posted on their blog for full public review. I’m just jealous we didn’t do this first at VQR. (Via Boing Boing)

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Published: September 3, 2008