Electronic Submission System Released

We’re both proud and a little nervous to release into the wild the VQR electronic submission system. We constructed this system ourselves (on a PHP/MySQL platform) with the primary criterion of making it as simple to use as possible. It’s a snap to submit work, the status of submissions can be checked at any time, withdrawing something is as easy as clicking a link, and it “remembers” authors between visits.

In pursuit of this goal, we went so far as to test it out for a year, tracking paper submissions for our September 2006–May 2007 reading period. That was followed by a twenty user alpha test in July, and then a ten day, 85 participant beta test in August. We’re particularly grateful to the writers who volunteered for that beta test—their input was enormously helpful in streamlining this system. The end result is a software product that we believe will simplify enormously the submission process for authors, our readers, and our own staff.

If you submit work to us through this system, please let me know if you have any problems, suggestions, or comments. It might be done, but it’s certainly not perfect.

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Published: September 6, 2007