A Range of Perspectives on Feminism & The Female Conscience

Throughout the past two months, we’ve been featuring a range of voices on feminism, to complement our Fall 2012 issue on The Female Conscience. Here’s a handy list of related pieces we’ve posted since that issue’s release.

What Is Feminism? series

• Kristen Chase
• Beverly Donofrio
• Ru Freeman
Abby Frucht
• Caroline Leavitt
• Jacquelyn Mitchard
Mary Pols
Darrelyn Saloom
• Jane Smiley
Feminism Is Not About Being the Same As Men by Ginger Moran

On other related topics

On Being a Female Reporter by Delphine Schrank
• 5 Female Phenoms of Classical Music by Michael Wheatley
News Obituaries: Another Gender Gap by Hallie Ephron
Notes on Selling One’s Identity by Jennifer Niesslein
A Short Primer on Men and Reading Jane Austen by Kevin Smokler

Women’s rights and activism

• 10 Excellent Sites on Women’s Rights by Nicole Klungle
• The Debate Over Fair Pay for Women by Nicole Klungle
CEDAW: The Most Important Women’s Rights Declaration You’ve Never Heard Of by Nicole Klungle

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Published: November 30, 2012