Support for Zotero Added

I’ve just finished adding Zotero support to our archives, embedding bibliographic metadata into every article. Zotero is a free plugin for the likewise-free Firefox web browser that automates the collection of materials for research purposes. When you read an article that you want to hold onto, you can add it to your Zotero collection, which stores a copy of the web page on your computer along with full bibliographic data. You can group the articles that you’ve saved into different sub-collections, such as one for each of the essays that you’re working on writing. It’s a fantastically useful program, created by our neighbors at the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University, just upstate from VQR.

If this is the kind of thing that sends a thrill through your inner library geek, check out CHNM’s other software.

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Published: May 23, 2008