Fall 2004

• Salman Rushdie decries the Ministry of False Alarms • Art Spiegelman on witnessing the collapse of the WTC • Sarah P. Rubinstein remembers her brother, killed on 9/11 • Joseph Margulies on how he helped end detentions at Guantánamo • Jenny S. Martinez on defending “enemy combatant” José Padilla • Christopher Merrill on the role of literature post-9/11 • David Moats on why he favors allowing gay marriage • Francine Prose on the USA PATRIOT Act • Sanford Pinsker on American politics and the new populism • Jeffrey Meyers on T. E. Lawrence’s unlearned lessons in Iraq
Fall 2004

Volume 80, Number 4

Virginia Quarterly Review, Autumn 2004 cover
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Table of contents

Editor's Desk 

Contributor Profiles

Salman Rushdie’s novels include Midnight’s Children, Shame, The Satanic Verses, Haroun and the Sea of Stories, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Fury, and Shalimar the Clown. He has won the Booker Prize, the “Booker of Booke

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