Fall 2022

The Fall issue features two standout portfolios: One is by reportorial illustrator George Butler, whose drawings document his time in Ukraine during the war with Russia, complemented by an essayistic journal that details his encounters with everyday Ukrainians navigating the trauma of conflict. The second portfolio is by photographer Brian Palmer, who shares a multiyear project illuminating the rich tradition at the heart of the Black funeral profession in America, which became profoundly important in the era of COVID-19. Other features include Ben Mauk’s essay on the origins of the plague and its evolution over time, while Eric Borsuk gives insight into the experience of finding his voice as a writer in an American prison. Clement Gelly and Oona Robertson contribute to the #VQRTrueStory project; columnists Jim Coan (Drawing It Out), Laura Kolbe (Art & the Archive), and Anuj Shrestha (Open Letter) return; there is fiction by A. J. Bermudez, Simon Han, and Carrie R. Moore; and poetry by Sylvie Baumgartel, Andrés Cerpa, John Freeman, Jordan Honeyblue, and Alyssa Jewell.
Fall 2022

Volume 98, Number 3

Virginia Quarterly Review, Autumn 2022 cover
Print: $20.00
Digital download: $20.00

Table of contents

Art & The Archive 
Drawing It Out 
Open Letter 
Editor's Desk 

Contributor Profiles

Sylvie Baumgartel has published two books of poetry: Song of Songs (FSG, 2019) and Pink (FSG, 2021).

A. J. Bermudez is the author of Stories No One Hopes Are About Them (Iowa UP, 2022), winner of the 2022 Iowa Short Fiction Award and a 2023 Lambda Award Finalist.

Eric Borsuk is the author of American Animals (Turner, 2020), the memoir featured in the acclaimed motion picture of the same name.

George Butler is an award-winning artist. In 2012, Butler walked into Syria, where as guest of the Free Syrian Army he drew war-damaged Azaz.

Simon Han is the author of the novel Nights When Nothing Happened (Riverhead, 2020).

Spring 2024 Cover; Photo by Mathias Depardon
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Volume 100, Number 1
Fiction Issue Cover. Photo by Adam Ekberg.
Fiction 2024
Volume 100, Number 2
Virginia Quarterly Review, Spring/Summer 2023 cover
Spring/Summer 2023
Volume 99, Number 1
Virginia Quarterly Review, Autumn 2023 cover
Fall 2023
Volume 99, Number 3