Kasab Convicted in Mumbai Attacks

Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab has been found guilty of murder and a laundry list of other crimes in connection with his role in the November 2008 terror attacks in Mumbai. Judge M. L. Tahaliyani called Kasab’s actions “a brazen act of war against India.” If you haven’t already read Jason Motlagh’s harrowing account of those three days of bloodshed, now would be the time. He won a National Magazine Award for his reporting, and the LA Times called the piece “a tremendous achievement.” Tomorrow, the court will reconvene to decide whether or not to hang Kasab. It seems a foregone conclusion—one that even Kasab, at one point in the trial, begged for, before retracting his request. But, Motlagh wrote back in November, “the delay of his chosen fate will soon be over. A hangman’s rope looms.”

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Published: May 3, 2010