Update on Mohammad Reza Jalaeipour

We have word from Mohammad Reza Jalaeipour’s family within Iran that he is alive but again being held in solitary confinement at Evin Prison in Tehran. He was allowed to make a brief phone call his mother to confirm his health. His mother reports that Mohammad Reza’s voice was calm.

We ask the Iranian government to release Mohammad Reza Jalaeipour. To repeatedly arrest, detain, and torture members of the opposition only serves to further undermine the legitimacy of last year’s elections and to lessen the authority of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. If the Iranian government wishes to show their strength, they should release Mohammad Reza Jalaeipour and others like him held at Evin Prison.

We present below a video produced by some of Jalaeipour’s friends, provided here with English subtitles:

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Published: June 19, 2010