Spring 2010

• J. Malcolm Garcia on the Afghan elections • Neil Shea on the war in winter • Joe Sacco on North African refugees in Malta • Chris Hondros on the earthquake in Haiti • Dimiter Kenarov on Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo • Fiction by Paul Theroux • Poetry by Albert Goldbarth, C.K. Williams, and Ricardo Pau-Llosa
Spring 2010

Volume 86, Number 2

Virginia Quarterly Review, Spring 2010 cover
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Table of contents


Contributor Profiles

Edward Hirsch is the author of eight books of poems, most recently The Living Fire: New and Selected Poems (Knopf, 2010).

Paul Theroux is the author of over forty books, including the nonfiction works The Great Railway Bazaar, The Old Patagonian Express, Riding the Iron Rooster, and Ghost Train to the Eastern Star. His novels include B

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