Jason Motlagh on the worst accident in the history of the garment industry, plus Atish Saha’s photographs of a Bangladesh factory disaster
Leslie Jamison on female pain
Lawrence Weschler on how artist Fred Tomaselli finds visual poetry in the news
Carlene Bauer on the intersection of faith and fiction
Gina LeVay on female matadors
Fiction by Elizabeth Eshelman, Elizabeth McCracken, and Thomas Pierce
Poetry by Rita Dove, Celia Dropkin, Kip Knott, Paul Legault, Amit Majmudar, and Joseph Voth
Lawrence Weschler, a contributing editor to VQR, is the former director of the New York Institute for the Humanities and artistic director emeritus of the Chicago Humanities Festival.
Leslie Jamison, a VQR editor at large, is the author of the nonfiction books The Recovering (Little, Brown, 2018), The Empathy Exams (Graywolf, 2014), and most recently the essay collection Make It Scream, Make It B
Rita Dove is a former US Poet Laureate (1993–1995) and recipient of the Pulitzer Prize in poetry for her book Thomas and Beulah (Carnegie Mellon, 1986).