Summer 1983

Morris Freedman’s “I Teach at CCNY” Oscar Mandel’s “Dr. Watson to Dulcinea” David Wykes’s “Orwell In the Trenches” Harry S. Ashmore’s “Below the Bottom Line” Stories by Morris Freedman, Oscar Mandel, David Wykes, and Harry S. Ashmore Poetry by Louis Simpson, Dabney Stuart, Peter Balakian, and Hank Lazer
Summer 1983

Volume 59, Number 3

Virginia Quarterly Review, Summer 1983 cover
Print: $10.00

Table of contents


Contributor Profiles

Harry S. Ashmore (1916-1998) was the executive editor of the Arkansas Gazette during the 1957 desegregation crisis at Little Rock’s Central High School and won the Pulitzer Prize for his editorials on the topic.

Spring 2024 Cover; Photo by Mathias Depardon
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Fiction Issue Cover. Photo by Adam Ekberg.
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