Titles We Have Known

The ten most common titles of submissions that we’ve received in the past two years:

  1. Untitled
  2. Aubade
  3. Gravity
  4. Prayer
  5. Homecoming
  6. Night
  7. Drowning
  8. Home
  9. Sonnet
  10. Sleep

The laws of probability dictate that repeat single-world titles are far more common than multi-word titles, which is why these are all single words. Since we receive more poems than any other genre, and since poems are more likely to have single-word titles than other genres, almost all of these are poems. These don’t represent a huge percentage of our submissions (we received seventeen works entitled “Untitled,” for instance), but they do stand out for their frequency.

Oddly, there’s no overlap with the top ten from the last time we did this.

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Published: April 20, 2009