Winter 1997

W. D. Ehrhart’s “ ‘What Grace is Found in So Much Loss?’” Sanford Pinsker’s “Musing About Orwell’s ‘Politics and The English Language’—50 Years Later” Morris Freedman’s “The Fall of Charlie Van Doren” Rawdon Dalrymple’s “Continental Drift: The Case of Australia” Stories by W. D. Ehrhart, Sanford Pinsker, Morris Freedman, and Rawdon Dalrymple Poetry by Charles Wright, Jane Shore, Larry Levis, and Larissa Szporluk
Winter 1997

Volume 73, Number 1

Virginia Quarterly Review, Winter 1997 cover
Print: $10.00

Table of contents


Contributor Profiles

Charles Wright’s many awards include the Pulitzer Prize, a National Book Award, and a National Book Critics Circle Award for poetry.

W. D. Ehrhart, a former Marine sergeant and veteran of the Vietnam War, holds a PhD in American Studies from the University of Wales, where he did his dissertation on American poetry of the Korean War.

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