Winter 1999

Peter Bridges’s “The Polymath From Vermont” Cecil C. H. Cullander’s “Why Thomas Mann Wrote” Jeffrey Meyers’s “Family Memoirs of Thomas Mann” Emily Auerbach’s “ ‘A Barkeeper Entering the Kingdom of Heaven’: Did Mark Twain Really Hate Jane Austen?” Stories by PETER BRIDGES, Cecil C. H. Cullander, Jeffrey Meyers, and Emily Auerbach Poetry by Stephen Dobyns, Susan Maurer, Dennis Sampson, and Jacquelyn Pope
Winter 1999

Volume 75, Number 1

Virginia Quarterly Review, Winter 1999 cover
Print: $10.00

Table of contents


Contributor Profiles

Peter Bridges received degrees from Dartmouth College and Columbia University, and after two years as an Army private spent three decades as an officer of the United States Foreign Service in Washington and at American embassies in Panam

A psychiatrist, Cecil C. H. Cullander, M.D., worked at the University of Virginia as a part-time supervising analyst from the late 1970s to 2000.

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