The sound from some other kind of space or craft and foot set in a downtown, US shotsinto windows
I see visions in my head of Heaven
I see what I’m pretty sure is Heaven
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The fields of Rolesville belong to my kinfolk, dead and alive.
tidal networks of black people cross the road a Walgreens and pizzeria we follow as they walk
Now it is night again, child on my chest.I croon & my song drifts you toward rest.
This is not my making any ecstatic,
sleep-deprived screed
“Think,” Aretha Franklin and Ted White, Aretha Now, Atlantic, 1968
How a fuchsia blouse becomesbougainvillea, ora pair of greyhounds staggersinto abstraction, zigzag
Primitive angiosperm, genus prior even to bees,
When the fledgling fell from its nest, by meager attempt,by pinwheel descent,and lay, unguarded,