You know that part of town where the miners once lived? Sooty frame houses, porches whose floorboards spring up? Rusty screen doors that close with a thrum, then a series of clicks, then a...
His teeth are lilies bursting from asphalt—white, many petaled opulences; amid danger, there is also beauty. When he whips me with the riding crop of his tongue, I curl into the earth’s first question: To desire what exactly? ...
The election is over, but we trudge back to the phone bank with our clipboards and scripts. We can still dial the swing states. North Carolina, Florida, Nevada: Can we count on you? Have a blesséd evening!
Daddy was a slick devil, so he must have thought my sister his succubus; a mud-bone Lilith, her lurid tresses struck shut with igneous flicker when it happened in the black. His cinereous
peepers, glazed over moons which pierced through...
I did this to myself, I know. You are not mine but come as wind clotted with the end of a season. Did you know all a ginkgo’s leaves fall on the same day? Sometimes it’s called maiden hair. For its beauty.
Two tree-limb-switched heretics born of Baptist parents, we reveled in a Ouija. But the only black spirits we conjured were our own shadows which flickered against the wall like a private screening. Both of us church boys sweltered in June...
For a genealogy assignment I took a blood test. I found out I am O positive. My mom is A negative, which seems very fitting. My dad is B positive. This alone would normally frighten me. Needles should freeze in hell. I told my dad I was...