How could they know,how could anyone knowyou were not formed by origins,
By now she knows that just because it’s thindoesn’t mean it won’t hurt, that green is better than dead & dried. She needs to choose
My love, the fox is in the yard.The snow will bear his print a while,then melt and go, but we who saw
I say to the lily asphodel,onionweed—
The ghost of the nineteenth centurystill stalks the eaves of the hurricane house, its clapboard sheaves
When I hear that boy sing, I said, every otherBoy becomes a disappointment. Tiny wince
You flared across Bostonlike a meteor, blond mane and lowered browin every coffeehouse off the Charles.
The town, my dear, is closing down: dead-Bolts slipping into their sleeves, cicadas insisting
These arms, after all,are open for no oneelse. Posture of air