You were afraid to open, but when you did,
There she was asking to borrow a candle.
If this were a novel,it would begin with a character,a man alone on a southbound train
I remember when my bodywas a friend,
when sleep like a good dogcame when summoned.
Well, here we are again, old friend, Ancient of Days,
Eyeball to eyeball.
To save her, they had to cut her brain in two,Had to sever nerves, strip one lobe almost bare—It left her blind.
My neighbors’ dog, shut out of their housea quarter mile uphill from us, has barkedall night, protesting.
There are some things that can’t be conveyed—description, for instance,The sundown light on that dog hair lodge pole pineand the dead branches of spruce trees.
the absent have left the window open:the last soldier, stricken,his moustache gently covered over, has left the bedundone[…]
Pubic tufts, thyme & moss, are greening again in the clefts of the wall
latticed by the first flails of warm, late winter, and so she removes her shirt