Due to their increasingly isolated habitats, the native mountain lion population of Los Angeles is under threat of extinction. Ryan Bradley discusses one solution under consideration, as well as the surprising relationship between big cats...
“I hope you don’t find tight spaces overwhelming,” artist Lori Nix said by way of apology as she led me into her apartment. Narrow crates halved the width of the hallways; metal towers, filled with everything from fake moss and tiny trees...
You have always been nosebleed and nail-bite, the spit-shined halls where you harvested us with your tribal clang. Too long we saw your face in every shadow, felt the whole forest await your arrival like a nagging frost.
Tokyo is a photographer’s dream, a city overflowing with potent imagery. But this sensory input can also be overpowering, making it tough to find a single focus. Photographer Yoshinori Mizutani, though, knew he found a great new subject...
Recently, painter Marc Burckhardt has been in a deep “visual conversation” with literature—specifically, with Petrarch’s Triumphs, a sequence of poems from the Italian Renaissance in which Love, Chastity, Death, Fame, Time, and Eternity...