In the fall of 2005, at the shuttle terminal of New York’s LaGuardia airport, I entered the security line and noticed, in front of me, a slight and slightly stooped older woman. After a couple of blinks, I recognized Joan Didion.
We’re a worried bunch, we Americans. We’re anxious. We’re gloomy, even doomy. We’re angsty, despairing, depressed. There’s a widespread sense that things are certainly not right with the world, and perhaps not right with us. If Dickens were...
Before I leave for good, I lift the pie server a final time, drop the receipt facedown next to the lemon blueberry slice, then my apron in the parking lot
When the glacier finally melted, the last of the green turned yellow and brown and the dry season came like an omen. Its white-blue ice had given water to all thirteen communities of Quispillaccta in Peru and, to women and men wise enough...
Let us remember liberty was not popular, six years it took Laboulaye to convince Bartholdi a gigantic statue was what New York harbor needed. Eleven years later