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Mary Johnston


If a Weasel Crosses Your Path

"And William--" "Yaas, Marse DIck--" "There used to be horses enough on this plantation for everything. It's no longer the case. I want Firefly myself, so you'll have to walk." "Yaas, sah. Hit's ten miles from Wi [...]

Elephants Through the Country

His perceptions were, in order: That it concerned him, that it concerned him vitally, that it involved his end of life which might, or might not, this time be avoided. These perceptions were so removed, they must cross so much of terrain to his bodil [...]

A Cousin of Pan

Up Eel River. By Margaret Montague. New York: Macmillan Company. $2.50. Folk lore in America is all too thinly spread. Here is a book that may go on the same shelf with "Uncle Remus" and a very few others—Margaret Montague's " [...]