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William Sener Rusk


Testing an Inspiration

Frank Lloyd Wright: An Autobiography. Duell, Sloan and Pearce. $4.50. Wright says, with his usual frankness and perhaps more than usual insight, "Testing an inspiration . . . has characterized my life." The reader of th [...]

Perspectives in the Arts

The Arts. By Hendrick Willcm Van Loon, New York: Simon and Schuster. $3.95. A World History of Art. By Sheldon Cheney. New York: The Viking Press. $5.00. Through increasing knowledge in the field of public health and wisdom in its application and [...]

The Brown Decades and After

The Brown Decades, By Lewis Mumford. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company. $3.00. Stanford White. By Charles C. Baldwin. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company. $3.50. In "The Brown Decades" Lewis Mumford has undertaken once more to make a cr [...]

Jefferson the Architect

Thomas Jefferson, Architect and Builder. By I. T. Frary. With an Introduction, by Fiske Kimball. Richmond: Garrett and Massie. $7.50. First impressions and final conclusions are the strategic points of contact between writer and reader. Mr. Frar [...]

Art and Some Aesthetes

Modem Architecture. Edited by Kenneth J. Conant. Boston: University Prints. $4.00. Form and Reform. By Paul t. Frankl, New York: Harper and Brothers. $5.00. Michelangelo. By Romain Rolland. New York: Albert and Charles Boni. $.50. The Italian Painte [...]

The Arts - 1930 and Earlier

Art in America. By Suzanne Lafollette. New York: Harper Brothers. $6.00. Contemporary American Portrait Painters. By Cuthbert Lee. W. W. Norton and Company. $10.00. Philosophy of Art. By C. J. Ducassc. New York: Lincoln MacVeagh. $3.50. Early Americ [...]

Phases of Art in America

Great American Paintings, from Smibert to Bellows, 1729-1924. Selected and edited by John Walker and Macgill James. Oxford University Press, $5.00. Creek Revival Architecture in America. By Talbot Hamlin. Oxford University Press. $7.50. John Steuar [...]

Architecture in America

The Story of Architecture in America, By Thomas E. Tallmadge. New York: W. W. Norton and Company. $3.50. The American Architecture of To-day. By G. H. Edgell. New York: Charles Scribncr's Sons. $6.00. American Architecture. By Fiske Kimball. Indianap [...]