Spring 1994

Simone Poirier-Bures’s “Return” Samuel Pickering’s “Early Spring” Hans A. Schmitt’s “More, Not Less, History!” Abe Kriegel’s “A Prayer for My Daughter” Stories by Simone Poirier-Bures, Samuel Pickering, Hans A. Schmitt, and Abe Kriegel Poetry by Jack Gilbert, Kevin Boyle, Lynn Doyle, and Conrad Hilberry
Spring 1994

Volume 70, Number 2

Virginia Quarterly Review, Spring 1994 cover
Print: $10.00

Table of contents


Contributor Profiles

Simone Poirier-Bures is the author of three books: Candyman, a novel set in her native Nova Scotia; That Shining Place, an award-winning memoir of Crete; and Nicole, short stories and memoir about growing up female and Acadian.

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Fiction Issue Cover. Photo by Adam Ekberg.
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