Winter 2003

• Power Dark, Power Bright: Robert A. Caro, Robert Moses, and Lyndon B. Johnson by Michael Nelson • A National Disgrace by C. Knight Aldrich, M.D. • Calley’s Ghost by Philip Beidler • Fiction by T. Alan Broughton, Donna Baier Stein, Michael Knight, Enid Shomer • Poetry by Lawrence Raab, Dwaine Rieves, Donald Platt, Michael Borich
Winter 2003

Volume 79, Number 1

Virginia Quarterly Review, Winter 2003 cover
Print: $10.00

Table of contents


Contributor Profiles

Michael Nelson is professor of political science at Rhodes College. A former editor of The Washington Monthly, he has published twenty books on the American presidency, national elections, and higher education.

Lawrence Raab is the author of six collections of poetry, including The Probable World (Penguin, 2000), What We Don’t Know About Each Other (Penguin, 1993), a winner of the National Poetry Series and a finalist for the

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